A film directed by Clément Oberto / Starring Connor Haddadin & Max Haddadin / Executive produced by Maxine Rançon / Produced by Roger M. Mayer / Cinematography by Ernesto Lomeli / Music composed by Gioacchino Marincola / Voice over written by Michael Reynolds / Voice over narrated by Clint Hummel / Production design: Nelly Zagury / Costume design: Paulina De La Paz / Key make-up: Estelle Descard / Photographer: Glenn Webb / Production manager: Kara Scobey Brown / ACs: Grant Sicora-Friesen & Nick Bianchi / Grips: Andrew Soltay & Emilio Guerra / Gaffer: Kyle Hardesty / Editor: Clément Oberto / VFx: Benoit Mannequin / Color grading: Thibaut Petillon / Mammoth Lakes – The Rancon Company 2020

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